Ruby Hill VIDA / COMBA Clinic

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The energy at these Ruby Hill VIDA / COMBA clinics amazes me every time. You get 60 women showing up, all with varying skill levels. Some having never been on a bike before in their life and some progressing on the large jump/drop lines. The incredible part is that every woman leaves both their ego and fear at home. They show up, immediately put their differences aside, and mold into this familial community full of compassion and encouragement. Being amongst likeminded women who are all so supportive is the best environment for progressing in a typically intimidating sport. And as a coach, it’s so rewarding to take 6 girls, asses their various strengths and weaknesses and make a huge impact on their riding in just a few hours. Nothing fills my heart with more joy than to pass along the joy and 
passion for bikes! 
     “Having never been on a mountain bike before, I had no idea where to begin. After the Ruby Hill VIDA clinic, I understand the basics and what things to practice on my own. I’m now itching to get back on my bike and keep learning!” 
- Liz
“I had such a great time at the Ruby Hill clinic! I learned a ton and gained so much confidence on the bike, all in a supportive and fun environment of rad women. I can’t wait until the next one!” 
- Rebecca

   “I have been riding intermediate MTB trails forever, but never took part in a bike clinic or stepped foot in a bike park. I absolutely loved it! I can’t wait to use the learned skills next time on the trail and I will stop every women I see on a bike and recommend VIDA clinics.” 
- Iris

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