Rad People Who Ride: Jon Pritchett (Dr. P)

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Mention Dr. P or Dr. Pritchett to anybody who shreds trail in the greater Nevada City area and you'll immediately elicit a smile, perhaps even a laugh.  Every associated story following then seems to involve Poison Oak or some sort of equally unpleasant irritation or pain being addressed in a borderline humorously direct manner.  Following that, you usually receive some sort of tidbit or encore that is so compassionate it's heart meltingly thoughtful.  Stories that come to mind - Cortisone shots, a prescribed beer before a shoulder reset during the past TDS, which Dr. P kindly supported, a take not one or two but five Advil prescription, and the never-ending riding buddies story that began with broken Enduro meets broken finger at Jon's local shop, Tour of Nevada City.

Dr. P believes in bikes and believes in helping people - any tale irrefutably confirms this and in this day and age of health insurance squabbles, premiums, deductibles, carriers, HMOs, preferred provider networks, and past due bills, it's refreshingly sincere to find a doctor that can't help but... help.  It's rad.

You'll find him at The Dirty Sanchez Enduro, at the bike shop in a state of disbelief over yet another part disintegrating beneath him, towing his kids around the neighborhood on his cargo bike, helping someone in need, or, shredding - he definitely does that.  So enjoy Jon's responses, he's incredibly deservingly rad and sure does shred.

Name: Jon Pritchett

Home Shop and City: Tour of Nevada City, Nevada City California

Favorite WTB or Freedom product: 3 here:

#1: the Volt Saddle is as good as it gets (period.) I use one on my MTB, same saddle on my road bike and same on cross bike. It's perfectly designed. It allows you to stick to the saddle on the sweet spot on long climbs without ever putting pressure on the wrong areas. My favorite attribute, its tough as nails. I've never broken one. This is a huge compliment. I break EVERYTHING, so whenever there is a product that I can't break, I'm loyal forever. I've broken 9 bike frames, countless components, and just about everything in between in the past 10 years, including a titanium road bike frame.

#2: WTB made a tire a few years ago called the Weirwolf LT 2.55 29'er. It didn't look like much but it had a giant contact patch and I could run them at 20psi in front and 22psi in back (tubeless of course.) They were amazing for all around conditions. The big bulbous shape made them float through mud, sand, loam, duff and they were stout enough to bomb big nasty descents. I still have a few I'm hoarding!! PLEASE make more!! 

"...float through mud, sand, loam, duff..." Dr. P is not one to worry over conditions that would deter others.

Or, favorite WTB or Freedom related memory (please elaborate):

Last year, 2013, at The Dirty Sanchez Enduro, I was working Medical Support for the event. I'm a physician and take care of most of the local cyclists. They all know I'll help 'em in a pinch and they know I'll never tell 'em not to ride, regardless of the injury. I also carry a big ass medical bag into the backcountry on all day epic rides. Anyway, working the TDS event and made it through the whole race without having to do much of anything. Then I got to the afterparty, just parked the Jeep and someone said, "Hey Doc you got any bandaids?" I turn around and 'someone' was bleeding from their forehead via a big gash. I had dropped all my doc stuff at home, so I had to go back home and get my goodies. I came back and it was dark and everyone had been hydrating copiously with hoppy beverages. The only place I could find to work was a picnic table out back. I got my patient prepped for the suturing but it was clear I needed help. So, I casually said out loud, "I need some assistants out back." The first two volunteers.........Jason Moeschler and Mark Weir. Yup, the two WTB stud pro racers. Mark did flashlight duties and Jason was my scub tech, clipping sutures and blotting away excess blood. They both did an outstanding job. Our patient is well healed and completely normal (well kinda normal) to this day.

Favorite Ride: Bowman Mtn trail, Grouse Ridge non-motorized area, Tahoe National Forest

Background, how’d you get into riding, what kept you going with it?

I played D-1 college football and was a lineman (6ft, 275lbs). I finished my college career and went to medical school and started getting really fat and un-fit. I tried running but my knees were kinda shot after football, so I bought a Mountain Bike and biked my way down to 200#. Then I got into racing, and then it just became part of my life.

Tube or Tubeless, why?

Tubeless, With regular tube tires I'd have to run 40psi to avoid pinch flatting (with my weight above 200#.) I jumped on the tubeless bandwagon the first year they came out. I run tubeless on Mtn, road, 'cross, everything.

3 most important things to bring with you on a ride?

Cell phone, multi tool, air source (usually CO2)

Craziest thing you’ve seen or witnessed on a ride?

I rolled a 3 foot rock drop and blew out both of my chain stays at same time. Have no idea how I didn't die. My bike was converted from a 4 inch travel bike to a 10 inch travel bike in an instant. There was some serious exposure to my left with sharp nasty rocks everywhere. Didn't even wreck, was able to unclip and bail off the back. 

Most important lesson to teach the groms?

The Art of Suffering. I coach a grade school mountain bike team (Grass Valley Charter School) and the first 1/2 mile of the ride is 250 vertical feet climb to a trail system. It looks like the trail of tears, with children in all sorts of anguish, some walking their bikes, others grinding it out. They're REALLY tough kids. I love 'em all

Left my wallet in… (fill it in): my Nissan Xterra with my dog to 'protect' it. Someone came in and stole it, with my dog in there. Could only imagine how it all went down???

Anything you’d like to plug, courtesy of WTB’s blog?

My Family. They are always supper supportive. Being a doctor, a dad, a husband, and a cyclist is a precarious balancing act. My wife uses the term "bike widow" and "bike orphans" to describe some of our weekends and 'vacations'. And a shout out to BONC (Bicyclists of Nevada County,) it's our local IMBA advocacy club. They do a ton of work to keep existing trails open and help get new trail on the ground.

Jason Moeschler Mark Weir Rad People Who Ride TCS TDS Enduro The Dirty Sanchez Volt Saddle WTB Rad People Who Ride

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