Public Pumptrack One Step Closer

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Caption: Local rippers sign the petition

The city of Novato, California held its final meeting with the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department to discuss the possibility of a public pumptrack. Community members of all ages packed the conference room---including at least 25 local high school kids---to propose that a small patch of land be converted into a pumptrack. There were close to 40 people in attendance pleading for the pumptrack, and about five folks in the crowd in favor of a community garden instead of the track.

The Parks and Rec. council were impressed by the turnout from the community, and seemed in favor of giving the kids a safe---and legal---place to ride. The only catch: community gardens are considerably cheaper than pumptracks and its no easy task getting funding from the city. It may take private funding to make the pumptrack happen. Ultimately, the decision is up to Novato's City Council.

Since WTB employee Mark Weir built his backyard pumptrack in Novato, he's had all types of people enjoying it; from 6-year-old kids to 60-year-old neighbors, from beginner riders to world champions. Weir's backyard track has appeared in countless magazines and was even featured on HGTV.

crowd   weir   bikes1
Caption: Not an empty chair in the room. Mark Weir proposes the pumptrack to the council. The bikes were stacked up in the hallway!


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